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NEW Updated Media Feature on the Mobile Apps

We are excited to release our updated Media Feature on the Mobile Apps for Coach Users. This new update is available for both iOS (Version 4.11.0) users on the App Store and Android (Version 4.16.0) users on the Google Play Store. We have listened to your feedback and have made this update to improve the media feature in a number of ways:

Recorded Videos Now Immediately Accessible for Analysis

Previously, when recording or uploading a video to the Media area prior to performing an analysis, the mobile app would perform a step of uploading and processing the video. With our latest update, when you record a video from within the app or upload the video from your phone library, the video will be immediately available. This enhancement will allow you to access your video immediately when on the lesson tee so you can perform an analysis or share with a student:

Changes to Feed vs Library

In the previous version of the media feature, in order to store media in the Feed or Library, the user would experience a step of uploading and processing the media in order to access it and perform a number of actions. With this update, the Feed will now be the home for any media which has been recorded via the app or uploaded from the user's phone library intended for immediate use. When a user shares an analysis or the media file in the feed with a student, the media will automatically be moved into the library. A user can also move any media from the feed into the library for future use. You should always aim to manage the media within your Feed by moving it to the library, sharing it directly with a student, or deleting it from the feed when it is no longer needed.

The icons on the Feed and Library will indicate if the media file is stored on the user's local device or uploaded to the cloud:

Faster Uploading and Processing

When sharing media with students or moving it to the Library, the GLF Mobile app will perform a step of uploading and processing your media file. The length of time that process takes will depend on the length of the media file and the user's internet connection. However, with this update, we have optimized the speed of this process. For larger media files or slower connection speeds, users can also navigate away from other areas of the app and the media file will continue to upload:

Offline Mode

We are aware that a number of users operate in facilities where there may be no or limited internet connectivity. In an effort to improve the user experience for users with this issue, we have now implemented an Offline Mode allowing users to access certain areas of the media feature.

Users will be able to record a video through the mobile app or upload a video from their device library. As the media file is stored in the feed, users will be able to access the media file and utilize the analysis features:

A connection will be required when the user attempts to share the media file with a student or move the file to the Library.

Improved Pinch and Zoom

The Pinch and Zoom tool is one of the most important tools for a coach when using the analysis feature and in the previous media version, there were a number of feedback points raised by users to make this feature more user-friendly.

In this latest update, you can utilize the Pinch and Zoom tool by simply pinching with your fingers anywhere on the screen rather than clicking the Pinch and Zoom tool icon. Furthermore, the Pinch and Zoom can be used during a recording, and a recording can be started from this state:

Record Options and Pause Added

When performing an analysis, users are able to record the analysis and share this with a student. We have added the option to choose the recording type, either selecting to record the screen only or record the screen and capture audio. When performing the recording, users are now able to pause the recording at any point and restart:

Improved Screenshot Display

When performing an analysis, users are able to use the screenshot icon to capture an image of the analysis and then ultimately share this with the student alongside any recording. We have repositioned the screenshots that have been captured to further enhance the user experience when using the analysis feature:

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