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App 3.0 - New Analysis Feature

Central to the 3.0 version of the GLF.Locker app is the new Media feature. Built into this new feature is the Analysis feature which can be used on Video and Photo Media types from the Feed or Media tabs. This allows you to perform an analysis in front of your students or outside of a booking and then share this with them:

You can access this feature after selecting the media type and clicking the Analyse button. There a number of key actions you can perform within the Analysis feature including: 

  • Use Basic Analysis Tools - You can access line, shape and drawing tools and overlay these over your video or photo. This will help you to reinforce understanding for your students and show key improvements. 
  • Side by Side Comparison - You can select a second media file from the Feed or Media or upload from your device and then compare two photos or videos side by side by selecting the A/B icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Rotate the View - You can rotate the view of the analysis screen by moving your device either to landscape or portrait view.
  • Adjust the Frame Rate - You can adjust the frame rate of your video to allow for slower playback of the video for enhanced analysis.
  • Take Screenshots - You can take screenshots of the analysis screen by using the Screenshot tool in the top left corner. This will save the screenshots but you have to option to delete these at any time before moving to sharing these with your student(s).
  • Voice & Screen Recording - By selecting the microphone icon in the top centre of the screen, you can record the analysis screen and add a voiceover.

After completing your analysis, you can then share this with a student or a group class. You can learn more about the Media and Analysis feature by navigating to the Getting Started training course 'Getting Started with Student Connect & Media'.

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