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Customer Care On the Mobile Apps

To align to the web based system, the Coach Customer Care List has now be added to the mobile apps on both iOS and Android. This will allow coach users to access all of the web based features when viewing and managing their Customer Care List. 

The Customer care List will be accessible via the new Customer Care List tile on the home screen dashboard, via the quick action link and in the side menu:


When navigating to the Customer Care List, users will see a list view of students assigned to their Care List with the Active Status, Date of Next Engagement and Risk Colour. Users can also filter and search through the list:

Clicking on a student will then redirect the coach user to the Customer Care List tab in the Student Connect area for the particular student. Coaches can perform key actions such as viewing contact information, updating social and playing status as well as logging and view notes:

Further Training on this enhancement is available in the Training/ Support Hub under the Knowledge Base and Feature Training modules.

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