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MED - Customer Care List Management

Accessing your Customer Care List

When you login to GLF.Connect you will land on the homepage of the system which is the schedule view.  To navigate to your Customer Care List you must first of all make sure the Manager user role is selected.

From the main menu, select Coach Admin and scroll down and click on Customer Care List.

Once in the Customer Care List View, the first page you will see is a list of all of the students in your GLF.Connect system.  These students are not necessarily under care, they are however, in this list and available to be placed under care by assigning to a primary coach.  

To view who is under care you can select a coach from the drop down menu on the left.

Once a coach is selected you will be presented with a list of all the students who are on their care list. 

Quick Tip! If you scroll to the bottom of the page, on the left hand side you will see a will see the total number of entries.  This is the total number of students who are on this particular coaches care list.

Deleting your 2022 Customer Care Lists

Prior to the start date of 15th January, you must first of all compose a customer care list for each of your coaching team.  Many, if not all of your team will already have a Care List which was in use throughout 2022.  For 2023, the first task you need to complete is to remove all of the students from each of the coach Care Lists prior to building out the new lists.

Don’t Worry! Removing students from the Care List does not delete any student accounts or activity data, it simply removes members from the coach list. 

Follow the steps below to quickly and easily remove students from each coach list in bulk.

Step 1

Select the first coach from the coach dropdown. 

Step 2

Change the pagination to 200.

Step 3

Check the radio icon underneath the coach dropdown to select all the students in the list.

Step 4

Click the Unassign Coach button at the top of the page and again in the pop up.

Step 5

Repeat this process for all coaches.

You should notice that when you now select a coach from the drop down that their list is empty.  It is at this point that you are ready to start composing new Care Lists for each of your coaching team. 

Quick Tip! If you are editing your Care Lists, there are two methods by which you can remove students. The first is to follow the same method as above however, instead of selecting all students, simply select single or multiple students by checking the radio icon next to their name.  

The second method is to click on the student name in the list to open up their notes profile.  Click the menu icon on the right hand side to reveal the menu option 'Unassign Primary Coach'.  Select this option to unassign the student from the Care List.

Creating your Customer Care Lists from 2023

Once you have cleared out your old lists and identified the members who will be assigned to each coach, it is time to start building out your care lists and assigning members to a primary coach.

Before you begin to assign members you must first of all select the ‘No Primary Coach’ radio icon.  This will refresh your list to show all members who are not assigned to a primary coach.

To assign a member to a primary coach follow the steps below.

Step 1

Use the search field to locate a member.

Step 2

Once you have located the member, clicking on their name will open up their notes profile.  From here, if you select the menu icon on the right hand side you will be presented with a list of options including ‘Assign Primary Coach’. 

Step 3

Select the coach from the dropdown menu in the pop up window. Once this is completed the member will be assigned to your chosen coach.  

Quick Tip! To check your progress, once you have assigned a member to a primary coach you can select the coach from the coach dropdown and you will see all the students you have assigned to that coach. 

Step 4

Repeat this process for all members you wish to assign to a Customer Care List.  

An alternative method to assigning members one by one is to select multiple students using the radio icons on the left hand side and then using the ‘Assign Coach’ button to assign members in bulk. 

As you begin to assign members to coaches they will become visible to to your coaches in their own coach login area.  They can then begin to use the Customer Care List begin to make contact with the members under their care. 

Additional Training Articles

1. Viewing new Students Added in the last 30 days - Click here

2. Viewing Students who have been Unassigned - Click here 

3. Automating the Customer Care List Report - Click here

4. Understanding your Customer Care List Report - Click here

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