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Risk Score Legend & New Member Option

Within your Customer Care List, you will see Risk Scores for individual students within your system. Risk scores give you a visual indication of a particular student's level risk within your GLF.Locker system. The exact definition of the term 'Risk' and the exact way in which you will be using this measure will be defined by the business in which you operate. 

On the Customer Care List screen, you will see a new legend indicating the Risk Colour and its Risk Level. The four risk colours are:

  • Red - High Risk
  • Orange - Medium Risk
  • Green - Low Risk
  • Grey - New Member 

The Risk Score will show on the left hand side of each student under the Risk column. When a Risk colour has not assigned to a student, then the New Member colour will appear meaning the risk score will need to be updated in the future. 

The 'New Member' Risk Score indicated in grey, is assigned for students who have been newly added to your GLF.Locker system. 

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