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Status Column Added to Transaction History for Lesson Packages

In order to help users identify the status of Lesson Packages that have been processed to a students account a new 'Status' Column has been added to the Lesson Packages under Transaction History. The status column will show the following for each lesson package: 

  1. Active - These are credits that are available within the students account for booking and may be within the expiry date or an expiry date has not been set. They are visible within the Academy Credits screen.

  2. In-Active - These are credits deactivated by Manager users and not available in the students account for booking. These are also credits that have expired based on the expiry date and are not available in the students account for booking. These are visible in the Deactivated Credits screen accessible via Academy Credits.

  3. Complete - These are credits that are have been completely used and they are visible in the Used Credits screen accessible via Academy Credits.

Accessing Transaction History

The Transaction History screen provides an overview of all transactions relating to a particular student in the GLF. Connect system. It can be accessed by users with Manager Access by Navigating to the All Students screen and by selection Transaction History from the Action Menu icon:

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