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MyGame+ Web Screens & Assign to MyGame+ Programs

With the launch of the NEW MyGame+ Feature on the GLF.Locker App, there are some enhancements to the web/mobile web version of the system to support this new feature. 

For users who are delivering a MyGame+ program at their club such as Game On, Crush It or the Junior Golf Academy Program this feature will automatically be activated on the GLF.Locker System. 

What's New?

1. MyGame+ Dashboard Screen - Firstly, when logged in under the Coach or Manager user roles, a new myGame+ navigation appears in the Main Menu. On clicking this option the user is presented with a holding screen. This screen informs the user that the MyGame+ programs are available on the App and that a dashboard feature will follow shortly:

2. Assigning Student Access from Manager - Similar to the App, coaches can also manage access to the MyGame+ program for their students. From the Manager user role, navigate to the All Students screen. 

  • On the All Students Screen, navigate to the action icon for a specific student. In the sub menu, you will see the option to Assign MyGame+ Programs:

  • From the Pop Up window, you will see the available MyGame+ Programs within your GLF.Locker system, you can select single, multiple or all programs for the specific student and click Save:

  • On clicking save, the student will be assigned to the program and be able to access the program on the App. You can un-assign access to the program by following the same process and deactivating the relevant program checkbox. 

3. Assigning Student Access from Coach - Similar to the App, coaches can also manage access to the MyGame+ program for their students. To do this navigate to the Coach User role and select Students:

  • On the Student Screen, navigate to the action icon for a specific student. In the sub menu, you will see the option to Assign MyGame+ Programs and the same process as above for Managers can be followed:

  • On the Student Screen, you can also see the MyGame+ programs which students are assigned too. You can view the programs from the MyGame+ Programs column and by clicking the More option, view each program name in the Pop Up window:

4. Student MyGame+ Screen - The MyGame+ programs are an App only feature for students. However, we have implemented a MyGame+ menu navigation and screen on the student web/mobile web system. This will guide students to download the App on their device to engage with the programs:

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