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Checking for Duplicate Accounts

Duplicate accounts are unfortunately unavoidable within your system regardless of the system functions or procedures you put in place. Your students will forget their login details and will create new accounts out of convenience. 

Keeping on top of duplicate accounts is vital so you can ensure your students are using accounts associated with a Member I.D, you can improve the speed of the booking process for you and your team and ultimately so you can keep an accurate record of student engagements.

The 'Check for Duplicate' account feature accessible via the 'All Students' screen in the Manager User Role enables you to generate a CSV file report of potential duplicates on your system. The report, downloaded automatically to your device will show you accounts that have the same First Name, Last Name and Email Address. You can then make a decision on whether to remove one of the duplicate accounts from your system. 

When doing this, we recommend you check the 'Active' status of the account:

  • Active refers to an account that has had an engagement (lesson or class session) in the system in the previous 90 days. 
  • In-active refers to an account where no activity is recorded in this same period. 

Therefore, if you see instances where a student has one active and one in-active account, the in-active account should be removed. If the student has two active accounts, then you may need to take a deeper analysis of the student's lessons history before removing the account. 

To remove an account, you can select the 'Delete Student' option visible when selecting the Action Menu Icon:

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